FLORAME 有機防水眼部卸妝液



FLORAME Organic Waterproof Eye Make-up Remover 有機防水眼部卸妝液 110ml 水油混合能有效能卸除防水及防油眼妝 溫和配方,專為眼部脆弱肌膚而設 適合任何皮膚 歐盟COSMOS 有機認證 針對防水眼妝,水油混合能卸除同時防水防油的產品,有效徹底卸除防水妝容,讓眼睛潔淨明亮。蘊含有機洋甘菊、矢車菊及金縷梅,溫和配方,非常適合眼部及眼周脆弱肌膚 使用方法 使用前請搖勻令水油混合 。 將卸妝水沾於化妝綿 輕輕敷上眼部 覆蓋眼瞼及睫毛令防水妝更快被卸除 再用溫水洗淨即可 Florame Waterproof Eye Make-up Remover instantly removes make-up, even when waterproof. Its gentle formula is perfectly suited to the fragile skin of the eye contour and eyelids. It leaves your eyes clean and bright! INGREDIENTS 99% natural origin of total 67% of the total ingredients are from Organic Farming

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