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精選商品,任選買2件或以上9 折


精選商品,任選買2件或以上95 折;買3件或以上9 折


MUKTI 晚間修復精華



MUKTI Age Defiance Night Serum 晚間修復精華 30ml 維他命A (HPR) 抑制 UVB 傷害,降低黑色素的形成 Chromabright可促進亮白效果,並對抗光老化 植物蛋白水解分解死皮細胞,整頓膚色及縮細毛孔 木瓜蛋白酶提供保濕作用,並鞏固表皮天然屏障功能 預防和延緩衰老跡象 晚間修復精華有助提亮膚色,淡化黑斑,促進膚色均勻。卡卡度果、雪花和白柏樹葉的生物活性天然提取物與水果酵素、維生素和抗氧化劑相結合,可減少因年齡所影響的肌膚問題、瑕疵和色素積聚。這款溫和的精華素可締造更細緻、亮白、光澤的幼滑皮膚 *注意:維他命A可能不適合敏感性皮膚或懷孕或哺乳期間使用 用法 深層清潔肌膚,使用Vital A Elixir和 / 或Vital B Elixir 後,將晚間精華素塗抹於面部、頸部和鎖骨位置,輕輕按入皮膚,再塗抹數滴Antioxidant Facial Oil,提升肌膚鎖水度及抗氧功效 每天必須使用防曬產品 只適合晚間使用 本產品含維他命A,懷孕期間、餵哺母乳及敏感肌膚應避免使用 為達致最佳效果,建議Age Defiance系列與Vitamin Booster系列一同使用 Make your beauty sleep count with this reparative serum that assists in brightening skin tone and fading dark spots to promote an even complexion. Bioactive native extracts of Kakadu Plum, Snowflower and White Cypress Leaf are combined with fruit enzymes, vitamins and antioxidants to reduce age related damage, blemishes and pigmentation. This gentle exfoliating serum promotes a refined complexion that exudes luminosity and brightness. For best results use in combination with the Age Defiance Collection and Vital Elixirs. *Vitamin A and may not be suitable for sensitive skin or during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Made in Australia, Certified Organic Ingredients, Vegan, Cruelty Free and Gluten Free. Packaged in Biophotonic glass.

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